How to Brew Coffee

Coffee is personal and the most effective way to make it is based on how you enjoy it best.

It is true that mastering the basics will help you perfect your technique. In this article, we invite you to experiment with different roasts, origins or even preparation techniques.

Here are our suggestions to brew traditional cups of coffee.

The Equipment

Check that your equipment include filter and bean grinders to coffee makers– are clean after every use.

Rinse thoroughly with hot, clear water (or wipe down thoroughly), and dry with a soft towel. It’s essential to ensure that no grounds are left to collect and no build-up of coffee oil (caffe) which can make future cups of coffee taste bitter and rancid.

The Beans

A great cup of coffee begins with good beans. The flavor and quality of your coffee isn’t just determined by your preferred coffee brewing method, but also by the type of coffee you choose.

Some of the flavor factors are:

  1. The region and country of origin
  2. The variety of beans available – robusta, arabica – or a mix
  3. The roast variety
  4. Its surface

Although there are lots of options, remember that there’s no right and right answer. For example it is possible to choose a dark, delicious espresso roast coffee, and have it ground to be brewed through drip systems. Have fun trying and enjoying various combinations.

If you hate thinking about all of the techniques for making coffee you should check our coffee online service if you want the best coffee blend that you can find on market.

The Grind

If you purchase entire bean coffee make sure to grind the beans just prior to the brewing duration as is possible to ensure freshness. A mill grinder or burr is recommended since the coffee is grinded to a standard size.

A blade grinder is not ideal because some coffees will be ground finer than others. If you normally grind coffee in your home using a blade grinder, try having it ground at the grocery store using an a burr grinder. You’ll be amazed by the distinction! (Whichever choice you make be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when using your machine, and be mindful of any safety concerns that you need to consider.)

The grind’s size is hugely important to the flavor of the coffee you drink. If your coffee has a bitter taste, it may be over-extracted or grinded to fine. On the other hand when your coffee smells flat, it may be under-extracted, meaning the grind isn’t as fine.

The Water

The water you use is essential on the overall quality of your cup of coffee. Use filtered or bottled water if the water you get from your tap isn’t as good or has strong smell or taste, for example, chlorine.

If you’re using tap water, let it run briefly before filling your coffee pot, ensure you’re using cold water. Avoid distilled or softened water.